Some firms demonstrate the uncanny ability to deliver ‘great’ candidates. One explanation is that only in the final stages – after close examination – does it becomes clear that truly great candidates (particularly those capable of leading and managing other people) are are not only hard to find, but that the selection of top executives is so often a compromise! Consider for a moment:
Upward pressures of business will ensure that people, generally, will be promoted by management until they fail – or become ineffective – in their role. But until they fail they will look like excellent candidates.
The drives and motivations of most managers and executives are unconscious, hidden from ‘public’ display, and seldom known even to themselves; consequently.
Most executives actively seek promotion and feel compelled to apply for increasingly complex (and more senior) roles, irrespective of their true capabilities or their capacity to fully comprehend the position, and
It may take months to discover who is in over their head (or heart) because everyone will be trying to make things work during the honeymoon period.
We provide up-to-date, sophisticated intelligence and honest, realistic counsel to clients hiring senior executives. We maintain a close, confidential relationship with clients through all phases of the recruitment process. We provide market-competitive fees and guarantees. And, we find great candidates.